1-888-762-5570                 Last Updated: January 16, 2025


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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PPIs/Appraisals

  1. Q. How long does it take between the time I order the inspection until I get results?
    A. 2-3 Days is typical. Depends on Seller's schedule usually.

  2. Q. Do you offer any discounts on inspections that are easy, for just a shell for instance?
    A. Yes . We are reasonable. This would be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on what parameters are involved in the inspection.

  3. Q. Do you inspect motorcycles, trailers, RVs or boats?
    A. We have inspected all of these before and can do it. Prices may vary. Call ahead.

  4. Q. What if I wanted you to do an inspection in a remote area ? Would you have someone? Is the price higher?
    A. We have good coverage in all states, but occasionally there we are asked to do inspections in remote areas where you may expect delays. Also, because of distance, there may be a mileage charge added to the cost of the inspection.

  5. Q. Can you arrange a compression test or other mechanical diagnostic tests?
    A. Usually yes. Let us know what you need and we can usually accommodate you. Usually there is an added fee of $50-$100.

  6. Q. Do you check for number's matching components during the inspection?
    A. Other than the engine number and body tag info, we are not gathering numbers, codes etc on our "standard" inspection . However, We can (and have) done so. Prices vary depending upon how much time is required !

  7. Q. Can you take the car somewhere it can be placed on a lift?
    A. Often, we can, if the seller permits. We can also take a jack with us to the inspection.

  8. Q. Can I speak with the inspector before during or after the inspection?
    A. Of course ! You will find they have the experience needed for the specific job/car.

  9. Q. Do your inspectors discuss value with the owner?
    A. Absolutely not. Our inspectors are specifically instructed not to discuss anything related to value, or the selling price with the owners.

  10. Q. Can you give a value for the car I am interested in buying/inspecting? Do I need to order an Appraisal too? What's the cost of an appraisal?
    A. We can give you opinions and tabulated values after the condition of the car has been determined at no charge. If you need a value appraisal for legal purposes we can provide a typewritten appraisal for $125.

  11. Q. What if I decide to cancel?
    A. We understand that situations change and circumstances happen. Our policy is that if the inspector has already begun the inspection, it’s too late to turn back. Otherwise, we will return the entire amount less a $25 administration fee.

  12. Q. What if the car sells before I receive the report?
    A. If the inspection has taken place we have to charge for the inspection. We recommend that buyer and seller reach an agreement that you be given the opportunity to review the report before the seller accepts another offer. You may wish to increase your chances of having this opportunity by placing a small deposit on the car.

  13. Q. If I decide to buy this car, can you handle the payment?
    A. Yes. We have an exchange service. Read about it in the Buying Services section of this website.

  14. Q. If I decide to buy this car do you transport the automobile?
    A. Yes. For a quote, see the Transportation section of this website.

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  Phone/Fax: 888.762.5570 (24 Hours)

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