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                                          Serving the Classic Car Community Since 1999 !




"Hello shiny metal fans! I'm the Classic Car Guy! As a modest Super Hero of the Planet Cruisemania and Champion for the preservation of the Classic Car Universe, I personally Welcome you to  ClassicCarGuy.Com!"

The Classic Car Guy

Welcome To Classic Car Guy!

ClassicCarGuy.com began in the "dot.com" era in 1999 and took the Classic Car consignment idea from the warehouse to the Internet. We were one of the first websites to develop the services that help the buying and selling process run smoothly. Since 1999 we have been offering Sellers FREE ADVERTISING at our expense. And, we have been offering our Buyers Pre-Purchase Inspections (Nationwide), Escrow Services for safely buying vehicles long distance and Transportation Services.

We are proud to have protected many buyers from purchasing vehicles on the Internet that were misrepresented, glad that we have helped many Buyers safely purchase vehicles via our simple escrow (exchange) service and gratelful to have transported hundreds of vehicles safely to the door via our Shipping Services. We have also saved Sellers hundreds of dollars and some frustrating time-wasting calls via our FREE ADVERTISING. Our long-time affiliations with huge classic car sites pays off for our Sellers.

Yes, Classic Cars are our passion and we offer here a mixture of cars that are owned by us and cars owned by other Classic Car Guys. We make the purchasing experience safe, logical, intelligent and easy.

Here is Some Helpful Information on How To Use Our Site to Find What you Want:

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  • Or, just click the Inventory Page to view all of our cars 20 at a time.

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  • Use our Search Database window in the upper left of this page. ENTER A MAKE, MODEL OR YEAR. (eg, Type "Camaro" and hit Go to see all Camaros on the site). Entering "1950" will pull up all vehicles made that year for sale. Entering 2 words like "Ford Mustang" will pull up all Fords and all Mustangs.

    If you don't find the right vehicle on this site, then complete our FREE locator service form  by clicking on "Locate a Car"  button. We can help you find the car you are looking for!  

    If you have found a car on this site that you would consider purchasing, but have concerns about the condition of the car, email us for more info. You may also wish to get a 3rd party involved to get an objective, comprehensive report please see our Appraisal Page. We perform top-notch Pre-Purchase Inspections and can have a qualified independant inspector check the car out for you. We do not always get to inspect the cars we advertise, and we do not want any of our buyers to have any surprises.

    The Transportation Page will be helpful to you too, and includes a table for estimating shipping costs.    

    More On Advertising With Us...

    Classic Car Guy is a Super Hero when it comes to Advertising!  Add your car to our expanding universe of classic automobiles for FREE by going to the Add Car Page now! OR...if you want to really expose your car to the Universe, try our multi-web site advertising package for the low price of just $150.00. Click on the Consignment page for more info!  

    A Personal Word From Classic Car Guy...

    "From the bottom of my Nitrous-burning heart I would like to thank each of you for visiting my site. Have fun Crusin' it space cowboys! And be sure to tell a friend about us. Visit again soon because I'm always wrenching on it!"

    --The Classic Car Guy

    SUPERHEROES  Are Awesome!

    The boy that became the Classic Car Guy was raised in Detroitopia on the planet Cruisemania in a Galaxy far away. His father was a talented, wealthy man and an enthusiast and collector of "Earthmobiles" we here call "Classics". His father was kind and generous to others and often repaired these Earthmobiles for the poorer inhabitants of his planet at no cost. He didn't need the money. He worked on them because he was passionate about keeping them going, and because he could bond with his son in the restoration process. Also, He was curious about their construction, enjoyed looking at them, and desired to preserve each of them from destruction.

    The young Classic Car Guy learned much from his father about Classics. But, there came a day when he was about 16 yrs old, that he grew tired of living with his dad and his brother. His restlessness no doubt was fueled by Interstellar Television, Satellite Radio and the Internet. He began listening to the voices that said, "imagine all of the fun you could have living on Earth. All of the parties! No one telling you what to do, or when to go to sleep!. Just think of the fun you will have!"

    So, he said to his father, "Give me my inheritance now. I wish to leave here to discover Earth for myself". Distraught, his father complied and gave his son his inherentance. Both recognized that in asking for his inheritance early, the son was declaring that his father was dead to him. It was rebellion. It was selfish. The son said Goodbye to his father and to his older brother. He purchased an Interplanetary one-way ticket to Earth on the Wormhole Express and set off from his family, leaving Cruisemania and the good life he had, to sow his "wild oats" on Planet Earth.

    Not long after he arrived, he began to squander his wealth in wild living on Earth. After a few months, he had spent everything. Then, there was a bad recession in the country where he lived. There, he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a car dealership, who sent him to a cold warehouse alone and isolated to wash, wax and maintain earthmobiles day after day. He was paid a little money each week, but he was barely surviving. He couldn't afford any sort of transportation at all, so he took the bus to the warehouse every day. He got behind on rent and groceries were an uncommon luxury. Hunger sat in. His Earth "friends" could not be found. He was alone and tired. He began thinking of home. He longed to fill his stomach with Cruisemanian food. Even the worst food there was better than what he was surviving on.

    So, he came to his senses and said, "my father has food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants." So, he arranged a way back to Cruisemania agreeing to feed and clean stalls of the pigs and bovine on a Galactic Cargo Transport Ship in exchange for his fare.

    After a month or so, he landed in Cruisemania and set forth, walking to his father's house. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." But the father said to him, "That doesn't matter now. Heres a tight-fitting Superhero suit to keep you warm. Heres a cape for your back. Here are red gloves for your hands and red boots for your feet. I bestow honor upon you. Moreover, I will contact all of your friends. Let’s have a feast and celebrate! For my son was dead and is now alive again; he was lost and is now found." So they began to celebrate.

    Now the older son was informed by a text message from a friend that his brother had returned. When he came near his father's house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the women serving drinks and asked her what was going on. "Your brother has come home," she replied, "and your father has called all his friends over for a party because he has him back safe and sound." The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, "Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you have thrown a party for me so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you shower him with acceptance and throw a party for him!" “My son," the father said, "you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

    The older son understood that day the meaning of grace. The grace shown by the father to the younger son when he repented, changed both sons forever. The younger son stayed with his father, thankful every day for a new start. He restored Earthmobiles, and grew a business helping others buy and sell classics. He grew into the clothes his father provided and became a super hero for the preservation of the Classic Car Universe. Everyone began to refer to him as Classic Car Guy.

    But the story could have easily gone a different direction The son could have lived a life of disappointment, guilt and shame of being a failure. But his father explained to his son that when he was young he had made some bad choices too, and received grace by the ULTIMATE HERO. Classic Car Guy asked, "Who is this ULTIMATE HERO father?" His father presented to his son a book that his Grandfather had given him saying, "You will learn about the ULTIMATE HERO in the pages of this book. He already knows who you are. He loves you and has a great plan for your life." Amazed, he looked at the title of the book. There, written on the cover was the words "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) "

    From this B.I.B.L.E. he learned that all are in grave danger of drifting like a spaceship in outer darkness alone forever if we do not allow the ULTIMATE HERO to help guide us through the universe, because He created the Universe!. He learned that The ULTIMATE HERO wants all beings to live with him in Paradisia, a fantastically wonderful place where there is no darkness, no sorrow, no pain, no death. A perfect place. He learned that the ULTIMATE HERO also had a son and that He sent His only Son, The Bright Morning Star, to Earth to tell people about Paradisia. But, religious people in power didn't listen. They were jealous of Him and so they killed Him. But, being the son of the ULTIMATE HERO, He rose from the dead! That is His superpower! Even death could not conquer Him. The Son alone and His Super Power is able and willing to rescue all who get lost in the Universe! We Earthlings can call on the name of the ULTIMATE HERO'S Son, to be saved today too! His son is The Light shining in the darkness of Space and the Only REAL HERO and the only Hero to ever rise from the dead. There is salvation in no one else! Everyone who calls on Him will be in Paradisia where He lives forever and can cruise any cool ride you want any time you want and never run out of road or gas!



    Jesus is the answer !
    --- John14:6. ----

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